As a new naturalista, you get lots of
questions but the one that hits you most is always: why did you go natural? For
some, they embarked on the natural hair journey just because their friends or
icons did it, because they saw it in a magazine and totally loved it or
probably because they are tired of putting chemicals in the guise of relaxers
and what not. For some others it is simply for religious reasons etc.
For me it all began out of my
frustration from having relaxers melt my scalp. I became the girl that neither
sections or combs through her hair when relaxing. Relaxing my hair was pure
torture which I was willing to undergo only once in a year. I had heard about
people who wear their hair without ever relaxing it but I just imagined it was
some sort of religious rite.
Sometime last year, a pretty girl
walked into the makeup studio where I worked and I totally fell in love with
her bohemian hair and in my hair moment, out of curiosity I asked her the name
of the hair only to get the shock of my hair life “IT WAS HER REAL HAIR” all
natural and relaxer free. After several findings on how to maintain natural
hair, I finally transitioned and did the big chop (BC) in August 2013.
BC (August 2013) |
- I wash my hair with ORS shampoo once in a month and at other times, I use
locally made black soap and apple cider vinegar to cleanse my scalp.
- I condition my hair using herbal essence hydrating conditioner
- I co-wash my hair twice a month using balsam protein conditioner. I
sometimes substitute the protein conditioner with egg and avocado or I simply
use yogurt.
- I detangle using monkey brains knotty detangler
- I do the LOC (Liquid oil and cream) method by mixing water and olive oil/coconut
oil in a spray bottle. I seal using nappy girl pudding or mango butter.
- For my hair line, I use castor oil.
- I wear my hair mostly in protective styles.
I have been able to retain a
considerable amount of length and my hair line is really healthy. I have learnt
to listen to my hair and I know what works for it and when.
Length check |
Happy Fro |